Finally Friday

Watson started the day with robust energy. The problem he is having is that the duck is dead. No, we do not have a real duck. But he has a few of the type you find at Petco.DSCN2404

This one was his favorite. He is the one that shook it to death. But for some reason he looks to me for an explanation. – Can you please fix this problem?? – No, Watson, this duck has brain damage and you slit his throat. – What?


Guess we could pick some flowers for the memorial.


Wednesday with Watson


Wednesday finds Watson a little annoyed with me. Last week was not a fun week for our boy. Had to visit the neurologist about his brain. Which, in case you are wondering, does exist and I have seen the pictures! Watson has been having seizures and last Tuesday he have a bad one, so they decided to do an MRI and a spinal tap. I was worried that his little brain was going to be eaten up with cancer or cyst. Or maybe he had meningitis. But, no brain damage that is visible, no tumor, no evidence of stroke and no inflammation in the spinal fluid. The boys brain looks good folks, but as a result of his last round of seizures, his eyesight was affected. Blind. But slowly it is coming back. Seems sometimes they get nerve damage to the optical nerve. So, everyday I am poking my finger at him, hoping for a blink. Well, he is blinking and he is tired of me trying to poke his eye out.   Seriously annoyed.  So now instead of 2 , Watson is on 3 different meds to control these seizures. Been hard on my heart!

The shaved leg for his IV has started to itch..looks like a poodle cut to me.20170425_143319

You can see how his back was shaved for the spinal tap. 20170422_132804

God knew this boy was going to need help. God also knew I would take care of him. We were meant to be together.

Road Trip

We are on our first road trip to the Lake Hamilton for this year. Watson and Aunt JuJu are ready to get there! Lots of construction on I30 and we were stop and go for about 90 minutes going out from Texarkana. So our little man was getting a little fustrated. Normally he travels so well, sleeps most of the way, but that stop and start got him tired, along with his momma and his aunt.20170411_130400

Spring, Sounds and Smells

Don’t know what Watson is searching for, but he seems hypnotized by the smell of the green, freshly mowed grass. That particular smell always brings waves of memories rushing through my mind, wonderful spring mornings in Arkansas. I always stop and take in the smell, going back time to my childhood. So, I like to thing Watson is thinking back to his first summer and that special feeling of love and security we get from special sounds and smells of spring.20170331_150931