There is something about this dog…


Everyday I wake up and am thankful that Watson is in my life. He makes me laugh and cry within the same moment. He has the ability to fill my heart with joy and sadness at the same time. I know everyone who has the pleasure of sharing their life with that special little soulĀ  feel the same ups and downs. Cheers to all of you for caring and loving and holding on to the special moments.

Spring, Sounds and Smells

Don’t know what Watson is searching for, but he seems hypnotized by the smell of the green, freshly mowed grass. That particular smell always brings waves of memories rushing through my mind, wonderful spring mornings in Arkansas. I always stop and take in the smell, going back time to my childhood. So, I like to thing Watson is thinking back to his first summer and that special feeling of love and security we get from special sounds and smells of spring.20170331_150931

TBT for Birth Week

When Watson first came into our lives he weighed a big 2.8 lbs. I was afraid to leave him in laundry room for fear he would get stuck behind the washer or dryer.DSCN0444

He was the runt of the litter and is really small for a schnauzer. He is only about 10 lbs. But oh he has that terrier personality!


My toes have always been one of his favorite toys.

When the movie about a dogs purpose came out it got me to thinking about this puppy and his purpose in my life. He has brought life to the walls of our home and warmth to our heart.

I am going to take a few minutes tonight and reflect on the past 3 years and consider where I would be without this boy.

Here is hoping all is well with everyone tonight.

For the love of this puppy


Some times I wonder if I could love a human any more than I love this puppy. But then I realize he is human to me. He is my child. He keeps me warm at night and makes me want to get up and moving in the morning. Watson is my 4th schnauzer that I have been lucky enough to have in my life,Ā  each one having their own personality and bringing their own special bounce into my life. But this boy is different. He has selective hearing, tunnel vision, and to say the least, a mind of his own. Once I thought he was deaf, but no. He just listens when he wants to hear. Maybe autistic? I doubt that as well. He is Watson. To say he has me wrapped around his little paw is an understatement. Watson is a little over 2 years old, but he will always be my puppy.
