#Happy Puppy

20161116_091446Watson was not named after a mythical creature or god. A friend wanted to name him Sherlock, I decided on Watson. I think it fits him perfectly. But, if I had been looking forĀ  a name from Greek mythology it would be Gelos, the personaification of laughter. Everyday, this puppy makes me laugh.

via Daily Prompt: Mythical

Daily Prompt: Second Thoughts

dscn0444May 2014 was when I first saw this little boy and knew I had to have him in my life. No second thoughts on this decision. He was a whopping 1.8 pounds and the runt of the liter. But what a face and as I discovered, what an attitude. Dogs bring so much to our lives and I am so blessed to have this one cross my path and become part of my time on this earth. He makes me smile every day. How many of you have that special companion in your life? I know you feel the same…blessed, with no second thoughts.

via Daily Prompt: Second Thoughts