Monday Morning Rain Showers

Much needed rain started falling around 3 in the morning.20170619_073850

When dawn broke the yard was wet and the rain was steady. We needed the rain. It has been so hot and dry for the past week or so.


But, that left Watson in a pickle. He hates the rain. So he is waiting for a break in the weather. He ran out for one quick minute to do his business and ran right back. Bless his heart.


One thought on “Monday Morning Rain Showers

  1. Watson, you are a good, good boy. It’s started sprinkling here today while I was doing yardwork and Lucy was outside with me, playing by herself. She looked at me like, “Now what?” When I just kept on working, she did a doggie shoulder shrug and kept zooming and exploring and stealing my yard gloves. Riley is just like Watson.

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